This is YOUR Lethbridge Polytechnic Students’ Association. We’re here to make your college life better through our services, support, advocacy, and leadership. Each year, the Executive Council and Student Representatives are voted on by students. If you are interested in taking your college experience to the next level, then consider running in the Executive elections held in March or Student Representative election held in September.
The Student Council is the governing body of the LPSA and oversees our by-laws, strategic planning, visioning, and more! LPSA has several staff members who are here to provide mentorship and implement the decisions made by student council.
To learn more about the LPSA Bylaws and standing rules go to our LPSA Bylaw page.
Lethbridge Polytechnic
Located at CE1350
3000 College Drive South
Lethbridge, AB T1K 1L6
SA Office:
+1 (403) 320-3373
Fax: +1 (403) 380-3483
LCSA Aggie Club
LCSA Business Club
LCSA Leo Club
LCSA Cons. Enf Club
LCSA Wildlife Society
Canadian Brew House
Community Partners
Lethbridge College Links
Graduation Photos
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This site and its contents are © 2021 Lethbridge College Students' Association (LCSA). Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited.