Raj Rotti Jaron Scribner
There are two student member positions on the Board of Governors of Lethbridge Polytechnic for the period July 2024, to June 2025. One position is filled by the LPSA President and the other is filled by a student at large who is nominated by Lethbridge Polytechnic Students’ Association for a one-year term and are appointed by Alberta Advanced Education through a ministerial order. Boards play an intermediary role between institutions and the minister. Board members bring a variety of perspectives through their interests, educational background and experiences, and this diversity enables boards to address issues and make decisions in the best interest of the institution.
The Board of Governors of Lethbridge Polytechnic is a 12-member policy-making and governance oversight body. Members include the President and CEO, representatives from the public (including the chair), representatives from academic and non-academic staff, and students. In addition to attending approximately six board meetings a year, members also participate on one of two committees: Finance, Audit and Risk or Governance and Human Resources.
Are you interested in applying? Please email Angela Fretts-Waters.
Lethbridge Polytechnic
Located at CE1350
3000 College Drive South
Lethbridge, AB T1K 1L6
SA Office: lpsa@lethpolytech.ca
+1 (403) 320-3373
Fax: +1 (403) 380-3483
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